How long before kittens can be taken from a mother cat?

How long before British shorthair kittens can be taken from a mother cat? In the best conditions,Both the cat and the kitten kept i the right place ; 10 - 14 weeks is best time if you want to take the kitten away from the cat. If you have a British shorthair and want to keep one or more of her kittens,(my twins did this, they each kept one) they kept track of the kittens when mama would go out to hunt. Well she must have smelled them getting to close to her babies, so she moved them. By that time they were about four weeks old, we thought. So to the store to buy kitten formula and then, the twins lined my tub with news paper and blankets and brought them in! Every 3–4 hours they ate, using one of my diabetic syringes! Slowly they started exploring and in about four weeks they were on regular wet food mixed with dry food. They were climbing in and out of the tub and using the cat litter with the other cats. So I said everybody watch where you step, cuz they were little...